This is the picture of the Catholics who wanted to kill king James

London 4F

this is London

London Landmarks - Kavyansh

History - Aaya

In 1605 the Gunpowder plot was set.It was planned to kill king James who ruled England.All of the people who tried to kill king James were all Catholic and wanted to blow up the house of parliament.The plot was failure.

Population - Haroon

London Landmarks - Chloe

The Shard is one of the tallest building in London.The shard is all made out of glass but the glass is very strong.

Key Facts - Mae

London is a large city. It was found by the Romans.

Animals in london - By Khadija

There are a wide variety of animals in London Zoo and the Aquariam.

Some animals that can be seen:

  • Tigers
  • Lions
  • Cheetahs
  • Fish
  • Sharks
  • Elephants
  • Giraffes

These are some of the animals along with many others.

There are sharks, rays and many other beautiful species from all over the world in the London aquarium.If you visit the London zoo you will see loads of Tigers, Lions, Cheetahs and all other wild animals.London zoo is the most outstanding zoo people has ever been to and so is the London aquarium. If you look in the river thames you will find life is quite remote due to water conditions.

The London zoo has the most best animals in London.The most indangered speices of Tigers and all other big cats are in london well only in the zoo.If you ever want to see an animal and your'e in London the best place to go is London zoo and London aquarium.

When you want to see a big cat or any other animal's go to London zoo and they will be locked in a cage because nobody wants to get hurt.

The giraffes and elephants are behind a fence and sometimes you are allowed to feed them.They might be behind the same fence or not because

sometimes they are and sometines they are not.You can take a ride behind the fence on a safari bus and you can see all the elephants and

girrafes there.It is really safe because they are harmless and they love eating leave's and drinking water.They never fight each other or hurt

each other,never hurt you and sometimes the girrafe's pull their heads down to you and let's you feed them.Lots of peoples favourite animals

are tigers,lions,cheetahs,elephants,girrafes and all other animals.

River thames-Goergie

Religions in London - Grace