The London Eye

All about London

Welish,Scottish Gerlic or Irish is spoken by some people in their home country .However, the official language of the UK is English,one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.

How can you get to and around London ?

You can go on a train around London and a boat.London is the only place were you can see a black cab.

Black cab at day time

Also you can go around London on a bus tour.

Following that you can have a nice time walking around London.

There are lots of ways to get to London like a taxi and a car.

It is possible to get to London on a airplane.

Here are stuff you can see on a

London Bus

very big walk around London.

You can have lunch at Greenwich Park.

You can see Theatre shows.

You can see lots of stuff.

What are the famous landmarks around London ?

There are Big Ben,The Shard and Tower Bridge.St Pauls catherdril is a famous place in London.When you arrive at the train staion you will see The Houses of Parliment .

Big Ben at night.

Also there is the Walkie-Talkie and Bukhingham Palace.

You can see The British Mueseam and The London Eye.

You can see the Changing of the Gaurd at Bukingham Palace.

You can go on the London Underground to and back from London anytime.

Also you can see the Tower of London it was built for

London city

storing jewls , gold and anjent treasure.

What different communities are in London ?

There are Hindu and Muslim.

In London there are lots of ways to get to the church and other places.

Church of Christ.

Also Christians, there is a church near Westminster.

There is a Hindu Temple near Queens Park.

There is a Muslim Mosque near Baker street.

In London there is a gym , book club and gardening club.

There are art clubs and recyicling club.In London there are lots of clubs and religouns community.