Big Ben is really tall

All about London ?

How can you get to and around London

you can get to London by a train ,car and a bus . You get around London by walking ,running and jogging .You can walk to London but also you can take a train or a coach

what are the famous landmarks around London

These are the famous landmarks in London like

  • Big Ben
  • Tower of London
  • London Eye
  • London eye glowing
    Buckingham Palace
  • The Shard
  • Underground train station
  • Westminster Abbey
  • Big Ben at night
    10 Downing Street

What are diffrant comunitys around London

The diffrant communitys are Muslims who meet at a mosque,Christians who meet as a Church,and Hindu's who meet at the Hindu temple.If you like football clubs you can join ChelseaF.C, ArsenalF.C , west ham united,Millwall F.C,Fulham F.C and Brentford F.C

The tallest landmark in London