hate goddamn hospitals. Sorry about the waterworks. I'm okay now. Look,just give me the facts. Life threatening ? Life changing? I take it you know I work here, that I'm a doctor so please don't give me the diluted version. I'd rather know the truth.

Nothing's happened to you!

Are you the doctor or they in another room? are we in the scanner room?

I'm the doctor!

So you haven't found anything wrong with me?

There ain't nothing wrong with you baby!

Look can we rewind here? why am I lying here and why was I brought in? what does my casualty card say?

You know you shouldn't get yourself worked up! your heart races! your breathing is erratic and your oxygen levels are 94%. Do you smoke,baby?

I don't mean to be rude. You've had a long day but I'm fuckin' pissed off that I woke up to find myself alone. So we're clear, I'm not gonna complain but I do wanna know who you are. I want your name and I want to know what is going on!

Just so we are both clear- if you don't keep a civil tongue I will staple your lips together!!! You have a pretty mouth. It'll be a shame to ruin it!

Temper ain't helping you here.

That's better- I cannot work with noise!

Please don't scream. We're alone and I don't wanna silence you girl!

My name is Alexandra. I am a doctor.

Are you aware your womb is the wrong way round? When I removed your coil,I had to use a curvy speculum.

Thank you for doing that; not everyone would be so considerate.

You are welcome,Alexandra.

I wonder if you would let me go to the Toilet?

There ain't no need! Steady. Your bladder is empty. I have catheterised you- good output!

Why did you do that, doctor?

Major procedure! it will be painful for you to urinate normally for a while!

What else have you done to me?

Nothing has happened to you yet. The choice is yours. You must answer this question, what does no mean?

These for instance. Do these mean no, what of these? They surely do not mean no! When I undressed you you wore no bra and your knickers were the size of a handkerchief.


It is a simple question,Alexandra. We both know what you really mean when you say "No".

I do not understand the question,bastard. My oxygen levels are low because of what you gave me. You need to go back to your book. Are you a failed quack is that it, doctor?

Temper ain't helping you out, honey! You've just made me decide.

Open circuit. You can't beat the old method. No airway to insert. No apathetic machine to watch. Just a mask, and gas leaving my hands free to do other things.

On the other hand if I knock you out it stops you from talking. I may need you help if things get tricky. Removing your vulva may be a bit tricky!

Last chance,baby. I can make this so easy. A short sleep, while I do what we'd both rather say yes to, then afterwards you're back home. So I'll ask again; what does no mean!

I'm sorry I didn't catch that!

I said yes; no mean yes.