Wong Kito Galo

nation or clump of ethnicities native to southeast Sumatra, Indonesia

Wong Kito Galo is a clump of ethnicities (nation) in the southeastern region of the Sumatra island which consists of various ethnic groups and speaks languages belonging to the Music language family.

Terminology change

Etymologically, the "Wong Kito Galo" is directly taken from Palembang language which means "shared community" literally, it can be interpreted similarly to the concept of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

In other Music languages change

Classification change

This family (nation) is classified using the primordial method; where kinship ties, similarities between ethnicities, origin places, linguistic and customs are the benchmark factors in the classification.

Ethnicities change

Some of the ethnic groups included in the Wong Kito Galo family are:

Musi people change

Palembang people change