Yellow is a color. It is found in the rainbow between green and orange.

Inkjet printers use yellow ink as one of their three primary colors (basic colors used to make the other colors), along with cyan ink and magenta ink.
This box shows the color yellow. |
Yellow is the color of:
- The color amber.
- The outer skin of a mango.
- The flower of the dandelion.
- The flower of the sunflower.
- The flower of the marigold.
- The flower of the mustard.
- The fruit of the lemon.
- The peel of a banana.
- The base of the pineapple (mostly).
- The middle light of a stoplight.
- The colour of the school bus (mostly).
Meaning of yellow
change- Yellow can represent light and the sun's rays as well as lightning.
- The phrase "yellow" used to be used as a sign of cowardice.
- In China, yellow is the color of royalty. Emperors used to wear yellow.
- On road signs in the USA, yellow means "warning" for usually about 3 seconds.
Tones of yellow color comparison chart
change- Ivory (Pale Yellow) (Hex: #FFFFF0) (RGB: 255, 255, 240)
- Yellow Mist (web color Light Yellow) (Banana) (Hex: #FFFFE0) (RGB: 255, 255, 224)
- Old Lace (web color) (Hex: #FDF5E6) (RGB: 253, 245, 230)
- Linen (web color) (Hex: #FAF0E6) (RGB: 250, 240, 230)
- Antique White (web color) (Hex: #FAEBD7) (RGB: 250, 235, 215)
- Blanched Almond (web color) (Hex: #FFEBCD) (RGB: 255, 235, 205)
- Light Goldenrod Yellow (web color) (Hex: #FAFAD2) (RGB: 250, 250, 210)
- Lemon Chiffon (web color) (Lemon Cream) (Hex: #FFFACD) (RGB: 255, 250, 205)
- Cornsilk (web color) (Hex: #FFF8DC) (RGB: 255, 248, 220)
- Beige (web color) (Hex: #F5F5DC) (RGB: 245, 245, 220)
- Cream (Hex: #FFFDD0) (RGB: 255, 253, 208)
- Papaya Whip (web color) (Hex: #FFEFD5) (RGB: 255, 239, 213)
- Banana Mania (Crayola) (Hex: #FBE7B2) (RGB: 251, 231, 128)
- Moccasin (web color) (Hex: #FFE4B5) (RGB: 255, 228, 182)
- Peach-Yellow (Hex: #FADFAD) (RGB: 250, 223, 173)
- Wheat (web color) (Hex: #F5DEB3) (RGB: 245, 222, 179)
- Navajo White (web color) (Hex: #FFDEAD) (RGB: 255, 222, 173)
- Light Khaki (X11 "Khaki") (Hex: #F0E68C) (RGB: 240, 230, 140)
- Pale Spring Bud (Crayola "Spring Green") (Hex: #ECEBBD) (RGB: 236, 235, 189)
- Pale Goldenrod (web color) (Hex: #EEE8AA) (RGB: 238, 232, 170)
- Pale Canary Yellow (Crayola Canary) (Hex: #FFFF99) (RGB: 255, 255, 153)
- Buff (HexF0DC82) (RGB: 240, 220, 130)
- Flax (Hex: #EEDC82) (RGB: 238, 220, 130)
- Zinnwaldite (Hex: #EBC2AF) (RGB: 235, 194, 175)
- Desert Sand (Crayola) (Hex: #EDC9AF) (RGB: 237, 201, 175)
- Peach Puff (web color) (Hex: #FFDAB9) (RGB: 255, 218, 185)
- Peach (Hex: #FFE5B4) (RGB: 255, 229, 180)
- Deep Peach (Crayola Peach) (Hex: #FFCBA4) (RGB: 255, 203, 164)
- Peach-Orange (Pale Salmon) (Hex: #FFCC99) (RGB: 255, 204, 153)
- Bright Apricot (Crayola Apricot) (Hex: #FDD5B1) (RGB: 253, 213, 177)
- Apricot (Hex: #FBCEB1) (RGB: 251, 206, 177)
- Light Mustard (Hex: #EEDD62) (RGB: 255, 119, 255)
- Dandelion (Crayola) (Hex: #FED85D) (RGB: 254, 216, 93)
- Mustard (Hex: #FFDB58) (RGB: 255, 219, 88)
- Energy Yellow ( Color List) (Hex: #F8DD5C) (RGB: 248, 221, 92)
- Medium Goldenrod (Crayola Goldenrod) (Hex: #FCD667) (RGB: 252, 214, 103)
- Mellow Yellow (Hex: #F8DE7E) (RGB: 248, 222, 126)
- Light Goldenrod (web color) (Hex: #FFEC8B) (RGB: 255, 236, 139)
- Maize (Corn) (Hex: #FBEC5D) (RGB: 251, 236, 93)
- Ultra Yellow (Unmellow Yellow) (Crayola) (Hex: #FFFF66) (RGB: 255, 255, 102)
- Laser Lemon (Crayola) (Hex: #FEFE22) (RGB: 254, 254, 34)
- Yellow (Electric Yellow) (Yellow Chives) (Hex: #FFFF00) (RGB: 255, 255, 0)
- Daisy Yellow (Hex: #FDFD02) (RGB: 255, 253, 2)
- Lemon Yellow (Lemon) Hex: #FFF700) (RGB: 255, 247, 0)
- Process Yellow (Pigment Yellow) (Printer's Yellow) (Canary Yellow) (Hex: #FFEF00) (RGB: 255, 239, 0)
- Medium Yellow (Crayola Yellow) (Hex: #FFE302) (RGB: 255, 227, 2)
- Golden Yellow (Hex: #FFDF00) (RGB: 255, 223, 0)
- School Bus Yellow (Hex: #FFD800) (RGB: 255, 216, 0)
- Golden (web color Gold) (Hex: #FFD700) (RGB: 255, 215, 0)
- Tangerine Yellow (Hex: #FFCC00) (RGB: 255, 204, 0)
- Supernova ( Color List) (Hex: #FFC901) (RGB: 255, 201, 1)
- Golden Poppy (Hex: #FCC200) (RGB: 252, 194, 0)
- Amber (Hex: #FFBF00) (RGB: 255, 191, 0)
- Selective Yellow (Hex: #FFBA00) (RGB: 255, 186, 0)
- Sunglow (Crayola) (Hex: #FFCC33) (RGB: 255, 204, 51)
- Saffron (Hex: #F4C430) (RGB: 244, 196, 48)
- Macaroni and Cheese (Crayola) (Hex: #FFB79B) (RGB: 255, 185, 123)
- Sandy Brown (web color) (Hex: #F4A460) (RGB: 244, 164, 96)
- Atomic Tangerine (Crayola) (Hex: #FF9966) (RGB: 255, 153, 102)
- Gamboge (Hex: #EF9B0F) (RGB: 239, 155, 15)
- Light Buff (Hex: #ECD9B0) (RGB: 236, 217, 176)
- Pale Gold (Crayola Gold) (Hex: #E6BE8A) (RGB: 230, 190, 138)
- Brass (Hex: #C3A368) (RGB: 195, 163, 104)
- California Gold (Hex: #A98F64) (RGB: 169, 143, 100)
- Vegas Gold (Hex: #C5B356) (RGB: 197, 179, 88)
- Old Gold (Hex: #CFB53B) (RGB: 207, 181, 59)
- Metallic Gold (Hex: #D4AF37) (RGB: 212, 175, 55)
- Goldenrod (web color) (Hex: #DAA520) (RGB: 218, 165, 32)
- Banana Yellow (Yellow Ochre) (Human Feces) (Hex: #CCCC33) (RGB: 204, 204, 51)
- Satin Sheen Gold (Hex: #CBA135) (RGB: 203, 16, 53)
- Buddha Gold ( Color List) (Hex: #C1A004) (RGB: 193, 160, 4)
- Peru (web color) (Hex: #CD853F) (RGB: 205, 133, 63)
- Ochre (Hex: #CC7722) (RGB: 204, 119, 34)
- Dark Goldenrod (web color) (Hex: #b8860B) (RGB: 184, 134, 11)
- Bronze Yellow (Hex: #737000) (RGB: 115, 112, 0)
- Yellow-gray (Hex: #A1A15A) (RGB: 161, 161, 90)
- Dark Mustard (Hex: #7C7C40) (RGB: 124, 124, 64)
- Sandy Taupe (Hex: #967117) (RGB: 150, 113, 23)
- Fallow (Hex: #C19A6B) (RGB: 193, 154, 107)
- Khaki (HTML/CSS) (Hex: #C3B091) (RGB: 195, 176, 145)
- Ecru (Hex: #C3B091) (RGB: 205, 184, 145)
- Dark Khaki (X11 "Dark Khaki") (Hex: #BDB76B) (RGB: 189, 183, 107)
- Citrine (Hex: #E4D00A) (RGB: 228, 208, 10)
- Pear (Hex: #D1E231) (RGB: 209, 226, 49)
- Starship ( Color List) (Hex: #E3DD39) (RGB: 227, 221, 57)
- Chartreuse Yellow (Hex: #DFFF00) (RGB: 223, 255, 0)
- Neon Yellow (Hex: #FFFFE0) (RGB: 207, 255, 4)
- Electric Lime (Crayola) (Hex: #CCFF00) (RGB: 204, 255, 0)
- Lime (Hex: #BFFF00) (RGB: 191, 255, 0)
- Green-yellow (web color) (Hex: #ADFF2F) (RGB: 173, 255, 47)
- Spring Bud (Hex: #A7FC00) (RGB: 167, 252, 0)
- Yellow-green (web color) (Hex: #9ACD32) (RGB: 154, 205, 50)
- Citrus ( Color List) (Hex: #A1C50A) (RGB: 161, 197, 10)
- June Bud (Hex: #BDDA57) (RGB: 189, 218, 87)
- Medium Spring Bud (Hex: #C9DC89) (RGB: 202, 220, 137)
- Pale Green-Yellow (Crayola Green-Yellow) (Hex: #F1E788) (RGB: 242, 231, 136)
- Lime Pulp (Hex: #D1E189) (RGB: 209, 225, 137)
- Olivine (Hex: #9AB973) (RGB: 154, 185, 115)
- Pistachio (Hex: #93C572) (RGB: 147, 197, 146)
- Swamp Green (Hex: #ACB78E) (RGB: 172, 183, 142)
- Camouflage Green (Hex: #78866B) (RGB: 120, 134, 107)
- Olive (web color) (Dark Yellow) (Hex: #808000) (RGB: 128, 128, 0)
- Olive Drab (web color) (Hex: #6B8E23) (RGB: 107, 142, 135)
- Dark Olive Green (web color) (Hex: #556B2F) (RGB: 85, 107, 47)
- Shadow (Crayola) (Hex: #837050) (RGB: 131, 112, 80)
- Raw Umber (Hex: #734A12) (RGB: 115, 74, 18)
- Olivetone (Xona color list) (Hex: #716E10) (RGB: 113, 110, 16)
- Bisque (web color) (Hex: #3D2B1F) (RGB: 61, 43, 31)
- Black Olive (Olive RAL 6015) (Hex: #3B3C36) (RGB: 59, 60, 54)
Related pages
changeWikimedia Commons has media related to Yellow.