Province of Zara

former province of Italy
(Redirected from Zara (Italian province))

The Italian Province of Zara (1941-1943) was an administrative section of the Governorate of Dalmatia. It was created during World War II by the Italian government with Regio Decreto Legge of May 18, 1941.[1]

Map of Italian "Governorate of Dalmatia", with the "Provincia di Zara"



The Province of Zara was part of the Italian Governorate of Dalmatia and had an area of 3,179 km² with a population of 211,900 inhabitants. It had included the two main cities of Zara (Zadar) and Sebenico (Sibenik).

The province bordered the Independent State of Croatia and to the south the Province of Spalato. The "Capoluogo" (administrative center) was Zara, where there was the "Tribunal" and the main administrative offices.

There were 20 municipalities (called in Italian: Comuni):[2]


Territory of Zara


The province was an enlargement of the "Territory of Zara" obtained by the Kingdom of Italy after WWI. Indeed in 1937 this small territory had an area of just 110.21 km² and a population of 25,000 inhabitants, concentrated in the city of Zara.[3]

  1. Regio Decreto Legge del 18 maggio 1941 n. 452 (published in Italian "Gazzetta Ufficiale" I, 1941, No. 133. p. 2240 f.)
  2. Davide Rodogno Il nuovo ordine mediterraneo, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2003, p. 499
  3. Annuario Generale 1938-XVI, Consociazione Turistica Italiana, Milano 1938 p. 661


  • Gambaro, Francesca. La città della memoria. Storie di vita di esuli da Zara nel secondo dopoguerra, Venezia: Alcione editore, 2010, [1]
  • Lago, Valentino. Memorie sulla Dalmazia. Venezia: Stabilimento Grimaldo, 1868.-1870.
  • Mileta, Olinto. Popolazioni dell'Istria, Fiume, Zara e Dalmazia. Edizioni A.D.ES. Trieste, 2005
  • Praga, Giuseppe. Storia di Dalmazia. Dall'Oglio editore. Varese, 1981
  • Vignoli, Giulio, I territori italofoni non appartenenti alla Repubblica Italiana, Giuffrè editore, Milano, 1995