
Persian mystic, poet and Sufi teacher (c.858–922)

Abū al-Mughīth Hossein ibn Manūr Al Hallāj (c. 858 - March 26, 922) (Persian: ابوالمغیث حسین بن منصور حلاج) or Hallaj was a Persian poet and writer.[1] Hallaj was born in Shūshtar, Iran. Hallaj memorized the Quran when he was young. He taught Sufism in Baghdad. Muslim scholars were against his teachings. He was imprisoned in Baghdad for eleven years. In the end, he was tortured and he was beheaded by Abbasid rulers.

The hanging of Al-Hallaj


  1. "Al-Ḥallāj | Islamic mystic". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 2020-12-07.