Once the block has ended you can make helpful changes. Please read Wikipedia's blocking policy and remember that adding spam, making changes that do not have a neutral point of view, making personal attacks on others, not respecting other people's privacy, and vandalizing pages are not allowed. If you do any of these things, you will be blocked again.
If you think this block is unfair, you can ask to be unblocked by adding {{Unblock|your reason here}} below. If you cannot do this or the reason is private please send an e-mail to simple-admins-l@lists.wikimedia.org and an administrator will look at your reason and reply. You may want to read our guide to unblock requests before asking to be unblocked.![]() | This template should always be substituted (i.e., use {{subst:Uw-block1}}). |
![]() | If you plan to make breaking changes to this template, move it, or nominate it for deletion, please notify Twinkle's users and maintainers at Wikipedia talk:Twinkle as a courtesy, as this template is used in the standard installation of Twinkle. Thank you! |
Please refer to the index of test templates before using any template on user talk pages to warn a user. Applying the best template available for your purpose may help reduce confusion from the message you are sending. Note: Only administrators can block users; adding a block template does not automatically block the user from changing Wikipedia. Go to WP:AN to request that a user be blocked.
Please remember to substitute the template by using {{subst:Uw-block1}}
rather than {{Uw-block1}}
. Although this template must be substituted in the user talk page, it has also been designed to display properly when substitution is not possible.
This template uses a parser function. For a temporary block, indicate the time of the block in this manner: {{subst:Uw-block1|time=Duration}}, or the default text displayed will be "temporarily blocked". For an indefinite block, use {{subst:uw-block3}} instead.
You must specify the block duration and the reason for the block. You can choose whether the template auto-includes your signature by using the |sig=
{{subst:Uw-block1|time=Duration|reason=For a different reason|sig=yes}}