Tsvetan Teofanov
Tsvetan Teophanov (Bulgarian: Цветан Теофанов; born July 12, 1952), is a Bulgarian figure who has noted for the very first known and famous Bulgarian translation of the Quran, numerous Bulgarian Islamic religious books, and an Arabist. His rise causes his translation of the Quran the most used in the Balkans that was then known throughout the world.
changeHe has a degree in Arabic Philology from the University of Baghdad, and a specialization at the University of Cairo. He defended his doctoral (PhD) thesis at the Moscow Institute.
He lectures on Arabic literature, Quran and the Hadith (the science of the Prophet's tradition) as well on the phenomenology of prophecy. Doctor of Philology. He was the Dean of the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, as well as the Deputy Dean, Director of the Centre of Oral Languages and Cultures and Head of the Department of Arabic and Semitology.