Welcome to my homepage.
Time Bridge
This user has been on Wikipedia for 18 years, 2 months and 9 days.

The user uses userboxes.

Apachegila® appreciates Wikipedia.

ENEnglish is my mother tongue.

Apachegila® is an accomplished guitarist.

Apachegila is a political scientist, IT geek, greenie, musician, language artist, and last but not least, a student.

Is there any doubt?

Wiki markup is hard to tackle. It ain't no piece of cake!

Tip: To cite a reference (a must in Wikipedia), always use the Cite option at the top of the Visual Editor next to Help. Choose Web (or News) from the Templates dropdown to bring up the form that will automatically create the wikitext for the citation. The end result includes a footnote number (e.g. [99] for your authored copy, a balloon upon hover, and the footnote itself in the References section at the bottom of the page. Talk about piece of cake!

Apachegila  (Talk)