Japanese striped snakes
Scientific classification
Binomial name
E. quadrivirgata

Elaphe Quadrivirgata change

Elaphe quadrivirgata

They are known as Japanese striped snakes. They are Japanese endemic speicies.

Appearance change

They are about 80~150cm. Sometimes there are black type(mutation) of them but usualy they are light yellow.Their scales are not so big so they can't swallow big animals.

Living areas change

They live in Japan(Hokkaido,Honsyuu,Shikoku,Kyuusyu,Osumi islands)

Food and Water change

They mainly eat rats,birds,lizards,frogs, and snakes.They like reptiles and amphibians. They sometimes prey on one another.They drink water from their mouths.

Reproduction change

They lay 4~16 eggs from July to August.Hatching period is 40~50 days.The eggs are usualy under the soil,a gap in the stone wall, or under the fallen leaves.

Threats change

Decreasing of Paddy field,forest, and Grassland as their habitat. Decreasing of frogs as their food. Being involved in the trafic accident.

Relationship with humans change

They are often seen in the rural area.They move on the ground so they are often run over by the car. ‎Color mutation often happens with them,so people sometimes have them as a pet.

  1. Wang X. (2008). "Ailurus fulgens". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature. Retrieved 21 September 2009.