If you find this page on a site that is not Wikipedia, you are viewing a mirror site. The page may be old and the owner of this page may not have a relationship with sites that are not Wikipedia. The original page is located at http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Andriod65.
This is the User talk page for Andriod65, where you can send messages and comments to Andriod65.
I am new in simple wikipedia. I want to design my userpage. So anyone who is intrested in helping me are welcomed.
Hello Andriod65! Looking around on this wiki, most user's userpages look rather boring. People here tend to work on content and not on the best userpage design. I don't think there are currently many people around who'd be really good at designing a userpage. Just keep it simple and edit the main page. ;-) Also, welcome to simplewiki! -Barrastalk06:22, 29 May 2015 (UTC)Reply