I come from Adelaide, South Australia and have lived here all my life. Its okay. I love being Australian, though. I'm I'm 18 years old, and go by Missy, Alisa, some nasty insults, Upskirtpanzer, chainsawchick, my real name, and Toki. I'm pretttyyy active on sites like Facebook, Reddit, Tumblr, and 4chan.


I like Metalocalypse, Dungeons and Dragons, Uno, Video Games, TV shows, Youtube, Movies, Reading, Warhammer, writing and the internet in general. I've recently also got into comics, and have liked manga and anime for a while, sorta. With comics I like Gwenpool, Deadpool, Wolverine, The Killing Joke, Guardians of the Galaxy, Scott Pilgrim and my favorite is Watchmen. I probably forgot some. For manga, I like the works of Junji Ito, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and others, and anime is Cowboy Bebop and Akira. For music I like a ton, but some examples are Dethklok, King Diamond, Megadeth, and stuff like Lazerhawk and Kavinsky. My favourite song is Clint Eastwood by the band Gorillaz. I also like history! Stuff like Rome, WW2, Vietnam War, Vikings, Knights and stuff... All sorts of random crap, honestly.

So, if you wanna talk to me, uh, just add me on that and do it. Not that I expect a SINGLE person to lol.



Kik: Mountainfucker

Facebook: Missy Wartooth

Reddit: chainsawchick

1d4chan: upskirtpanzer