User:Eptalon/Philosophy-related worklist
This is a list of all the Philosohy-related articles that need to be looked at; it is intended as a means of exchange, to guide those editors coming here from other Wikipedias. Don't be afraid to add things here, or change things. But please use a registered username. If you do not regularly edit here, tell us on your user page how you can be contacted.
Thanks.--Eptalon (talk) 19:38, 15 July 2008 (UTC)
Added my suggestions and fixed Arendt's name. Staeiou (talk) 02:28, 25 July 2008 (UTC)
We don't have:
All are important 20th century philosophers.
These philosophical concepts need articles:
- Determinism (currently a one sentence candidate for transfer to Wiktionary)
- Compatibilism
- Idealism
- Philosophy of Science
- Mind-body problem
The articles on these philosophers need to be better:
These philosophical concepts should be better explained (or written):