
intermediate color between black and white; for e.g. color of a cloud-covered sky, ash and lead
(Redirected from Grey)
This box shows the color gray.

Gray is the color of black and white mixed together.

Gray is the color of an elephant, cement, pencil writing, and rain clouds. Gray often looks like someone made black lighter, but not so light that it is white.

Gray color represents neutrality, ambiguity and balance. When it is not clear whether something is legal or illegal, acceptable or not acceptable, it is said it is in a "gray zone".

The first recorded use of gray as a color name in English was in 700. [1]

Meaning of gray

  • The color gray represents pessimism; its opposite, optimism, is represented by the color rose. It also represents metal.

Shades of gray color comparison chart


The chart below shows those shades of gray that are major web colors.

HTML Color Name Sample Hex triplet
(rendered by name) (rendered by hex triplet)
gainsboro #DCDCDC
lightgray #D3D3D3
silver #C0C0C0
darkgray #A9A9A9
gray #808080
dimgray #696969
lightslategray #778899
slategray #708090
darkslategray #2F4F4F

Tones of gray color comparison chart

  • White Smoke (Hex: F5F5F5) (RGB: 245, 245, 245)
  • Platinum (Hex: E5E4E2) (RGB: 229, 228, 226)
  • Timberwolf (Hex: DBD7D2) (RGB: 219, 215, 210)
  • Silver (Light gray) (Hex: C0C0C0) (RGB: 192, 192, 192)
  • Gray (X11 Gray) (Hex: BEBEBE) (RGB: 190, 190, 190)
  • Gray (Hex: 808080) (RGB 128, 128, 128)
  • Gunmetal (Hex: #2A3439) (RGB: 42, 52, 57)
  • Jet (Hex: #343434) (RGB: 52, 52, 52)
    Warm gray Cool gray
    Mixed with 6% yellow. Mixed with 6% blue.


    1. Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 196