Web colors are colors used in designing webpages, and the ways for describing and listing those colors.
There are several ways to choose colors for parts of webpages. Colors may be listed as an RGB triplet (a set of three numbers, red, green, and blue) in hexadecimal format (a hex triplet, rr, gg, bb). An RGB triplet can make 16,777,216 different colors. Standard colors can also be chosen by their common English names. Often a color tool or other graphics software is used to create color values.
The first versions of Mosaic and Netscape Navigator used the X11 color names as the base for their color lists. This was because they both started as X Window System applications.
Each web color has its own definition, sRGB. This relates to the chromaticities of a single phosphor set, a given transfer curve, adaptive whitepoint, and viewing conditions. These have been chosen to be similar to many real-world monitors and viewing conditions. Even without color management, the colors created are fairly close to the given values. However, user agents can be different in the fidelity with which they show the colors. Better user agents use color management to create better color fidelity. This is important for Web-to-print applications.[1]
A hex triplet is a six-digit, three-byte number used in HTML, CSS, PHP, JS, SVG, and other computer programs, to represent colors. The bytes represent the red, green and blue parts of the color. One byte represents a number from 00 to FF or 0 to 255 in decimal notation. This represents the least (0) to the most (255) intensity of each color component. The hex triplet is formed by concatenating three bytes in hexadecimal notation, in the following order:
- Byte 1: red value (color type red)
- Byte 2: green value (color type green)
- Byte 3: blue value (color type blue)
For example, consider the color where the red/green/blue values are decimal numbers: red=36, green=104, blue=160 (a grayish-blue color). The decimal numbers 36, 104 and 160 are similar to the numbers 24, 68 and A0 respectively. The hex triplet is obtained by combining the 6 hexadecimal digits together, 2468A0 in this example.
Formulated in 1997, there were originally 16 colors. Orange was added later to make a total of 17. The original 16 were part of something called the "Windows VGA template", meaning that they are the colors that can be used for actions like highlighting.[2]
List of HTML Color Names
The table below contains all 140 of the HTML colors. All modern browsers support them. [4]
Pale pink (Palepink) ||#FADADD||250 218 221
HTML name
Decimal code R G B
Red colors
Crimson |
#DC143C |
220 20 60
Royal red (Royalred) |
#D00060 |
220 20 60
Rose red (Rosered) |
#BE013C |
190 1 60
Light coral (Lightcoral) |
#F08080 |
240 128 128
Indian red (Indianred) |
#CD5C5C |
205 92 92
Fire brick (Firebrick) |
#B22222 |
178 34 34
Red |
#FF0000 |
255 0 0
Pale red (Palered) |
#EB6651 |
235 102 81
Light red (Lightred) |
#FF3333 |
139 0 0
Medium red (Mediumred) |
#B10304 |
139 0 0
Dark red (Darkred) |
#8B0000 |
139 0 0
Deep red (Deepred) |
#850101 |
139 0 0
Maroon |
#800000 |
128 0 0
Salmon |
#FA8072 |
250 128 114
Vermilion |
#E34234 |
227 66 52
Red orange (Redorange) |
#FF5349 |
250 128 114
Light autumn red (Lightautumnred) |
# |
Fall red (Fallred) |
# |
Autumn red (Autumnred) |
# |
Dark autumn red (Darkautumnred) |
# |
Pink & Rose colors
Light pink (Lightpink) |
#FFB6C1 |
255 182 193
Pink |
253 108 158
Medium pink (Mediumpink) |
#FF7DB3 |
255 125 179
Dark pink (Darkpink) |
#CB416B |
203 65 107
Pale violet red (Palevioletred) |
#DB7093 |
219 112 147
Light violet red (Lightvioletred) |
# |
Hot pink (Hotpink) |
#FF69B4 |
255 105 180
Deep pink (Deeppink) |
#FF1493 |
255 20 147
Orange colors
Peach puff |
255 218 185
Deep salmon (Deepsalmon) |
#C66359 |
198 99 89
Dark salmon (Darksalmon) |
#E9967A |
233 150 122
Light salmon (Lightsalmon) |
#FFA07A |
255 160 122
Pale salmon (Palesalmon) |
# |
Coral |
#FF7F50 |
255 127 80
Dark coral (Darkcoral) |
#CD5B45 |
205 91 59
Deep coral (Deepcoral) |
# |
Tomato |
#FF6347 |
255 99 71
Orange red (Orangered) |
#FF4500 |
255 69 0
Papaya whip |
255 239 213
Moccasin |
#FFE4B5 |
255 228 181
Pale orange (Paleorange) |
# |
Light orange (Lightorange) |
#D9A465 |
255 228 181
Medium orange (Mediumorange) |
#FF7802 |
255 228 181
Dark orange (Darkorange) |
#FF8C00 |
255 140 0
Light autumn orange (Lightautumnorange) |
# |
Fall orange (Fallorange) |
# |
Autumn orange (Autumnorange) |
# |
Dark autumn orange (Darkautumnorange) |
# |
Deep orange (Deeporange) |
# |
Orange |
#FFA500 |
255 165 0
Orange yellow (Orangeyellow) |
# |
Yellow colors
Light goldenrod yellow (Lightgoldenrodyellow) |
250 250 210
Goldenrod yellow (Goldenrodyellow) |
# |
Dark goldenrod yellow (Darkgoldenrodyellow) |
# |
Pale goldenrod (Palegoldenrod) |
238 232 170
Light goldenrod (Lightgoldenrod) |
255 236 139
Medium goldenrod (Mediumgoldenrod) |
#FFB90F |
255 185 15
Goldenrod |
#DAA520 |
218 165 32
Dark goldenrod (Darkgoldenrod) |
#B8860B |
184 134 11
Pale gold (Palegold) |
# |
Light gold (Lightgold) |
#F1E5AC |
255 215 0
#FFBF00 |
255 191 0
Yellow orange (Yelloworange) |
#FFC700 |
255 219 0
Gold |
#FFD700 |
255 199 0
Dark gold (Darkgold) |
255 215 0
Deep gold (Deepgold) |
# |
Lemon chiffon (Lemonchiffon) |
255 250 205
Light summer yellow (Lightsummeryellow) |
# |
Summer yellow (Summeryellow) |
# |
Dark summer yellow (Darksummeryellow) |
# |
255 255 204
Pale yellow (Paleyellow) |
# |
Light yellow (Lightyellow) |
255 255 224
Yellow |
#FFFF00 |
255 255 0
Medium yellow (Mediumyellow) |
#FFE302 |
255 255 0
Dark yellow (Darkyellow) |
#F8B800 |
248 184 0
Deep yellow (Deepyellow) |
#F6BE00 |
246 190 0
Olive |
#808000 |
128 128 0
Khaki |
#F0E68C |
240 230 140
Dark khaki |
#BDB76B |
189 183 107
Violet, Purple & Magenta colors
Lavender |
#E6E6FA |
230 230 250
Pale purple (Palepurple) |
# |
Light purple (Lightpurple) |
#AB82FF |
171 130 255
Medium purple (Mediumpurple) |
#9370DB |
147 112 219
Blue violet (Blueviolet) |
#8A2BE2 |
138 43 226
Light violet (Lightviolet) |
#7A5299 |
148 0 211
Medium violet (Mediumviolet) |
#8F47B3 |
143 71 179
Dark violet (Darkviolet) |
#9400D3 |
148 0 211
Deep violet (Deepviolet)
# |
Rebecca purple (Rebeccapurple) |
#663399 |
102 51 153
Indigo |
#4B0082 |
75 0 130
Medium orchid (Mediumorchid) |
#BA55D3 |
186 85 211
Dark orchid (Darkorchid) |
#9932CC |
153 &50 204
Thistle |
#D8BFD8 |
216 191 216
Plum |
221 160 221
Violet |
#EE82EE |
238 130 238
Light orchid (Lightorchid) |
# |
Orchid |
#DA70D6 |
218 112 214
Fuchsia or Magenta |
#FF00FF |
255 0 255
Pale magenta (Palemagenta) |
# |
Light magenta (Lightmagenta) |
#FF77FF |
139 0 139
Dark magenta (Darkmagenta) |
#8B008B |
139 0 139
Deep magenta (Deepmagenta) |
# |
Purple |
#800080 |
128 0 128
Dark purple (Darkpurple) |
# |
Deep purple (Deeppurple) |
# |
Dark violet red (Darkvioletred) |
# |
Dark violet red (Darkvioletred) |
# |
Medium violet red (Mediumvioletred) |
#C71585 |
199 21 133
Violet red (Violetred) |
#D02090 |
208 32 144
Red violet (Redviolet)
# |
HTML name
Decimal code R G B
Green colors
Light yellow green (Lightyellowgreen) |
# |
Yellow green (Yellowgreen) |
#9ACD32 |
154 205 50
Olive drab |
#6B8E23 |
107 142 35
Olive green (Olivegreen) |
# |
Dark olive green (Darkolivegreen) |
#556B2F |
85 107 47
Green yellow (Greenyellow) |
173 255 47
Chartreuse |
#7FFF00 |
127 255 0
Lawn green (Lawngreen) |
#7CFC00 |
124 252 0
Lime |
#00FF00 |
0 255 0
Green |
#008000 |
0 128 0
Dark green (Darkgreen) |
#006400 |
0 100 0
Deep green (Deepgreen) |
#056608 |
5 102 8
Medium green (Mediumgreen) |
# |
Pale green (Palegreen) |
#98FB98 |
152 251 152
Light green (Lightgreen) |
#90EE90 |
144 238 144
Lime green (Limegreen) |
#32CD32 |
50 205 50
Emerald green (Emeraldgreen) |
#00C957 |
0 201 120
Forest green (Forestgreen) |
#228B22 |
34 139 34
Dark spring green (Darkspringgreen)
#177245 |
23 114 69
Medium spring green (Mediumspringgreen) |
#00FA9A |
0 250 154
Spring green (Springgreen) |
#00FF7F |
0 255 127
Light spring green (Lightspringgreen) |
# |
Medium sea green (Mediumseagreen) |
#3CB371 |
60 179 113
Sea green (Seagreen) |
#2E8B57 |
46 139 87
Dark sea green (Darkseagreen) |
#8FBC8F |
143 188 143
Green blue (Greenblue) |
#06B48B |
6 180 139
Cyan colors
Light aquamarine (Lightaquamarine) |
#93FFE8 |
147 255 232
Aquamarine |
#7FFFD4 |
127 255 212
Medium aquamarine (Mediumaquamarine) |
#66CDAA |
102 205 170
Dark aquamarine (Darkaquamarine) |
# |
Deep aquamarine (Deepaquamarine) |
# |
Turquoise |
#40E0D0 |
64 224 208
Light turquoise (Lightturquoise) |
72 209 204
Medium turquoise |
#48D1CC |
72 209 204
Dark turquoise (Darkturquoise) |
#00CED1 |
0 206 209
Deep turquoise (Deepturquoise) |
# |
Pale turquoise |
175 238 238
Light sea green (Lightseagreen) |
#20B2AA |
32 178 170
Light cyan (Lightcyan) |
224 255 255
Aqua or Cyan |
#00FFFF |
0 255 255
Dark cyan (Darkcyan) |
#008B8B |
0 139 139
Deep cyan (Deepcyan) |
# |
Teal |
#008080 |
0 128 128
Light blue green (Lightbluegreen) |
# |
Blue green (Bluegreen) |
#00A59C |
0 165 156
Dark blue green (Darkbluegreen) |
# |
0 165 156
Powder blue (Powderblue) |
#B0E0E6 |
176 224 230
Cadet blue (Cadetblue) |
#5F9EA0 |
95 158 160
colspan="3" style="background :whitesmoke;color:slategray;text
align:left"|Azure & Blue colors
Light winter blue (Lightwinterblue) |
# |
Winter blue (Winterblue) |
# |
Dark winter blue (Darkwinterblue) |
# |
Pale blue (Paleblue) |
# |
Light blue (Lightblue) |
#ADD8E6 |
173 216 230
Sky blue (Skyblue) |
#87CEEB |
135 206 235
Light sky blue (Lightskyblue) |
#87CEFA |
135 206 250
Deep sky blue (Deepskyblue) |
#00BFFF |
0 191 255
Dodger blue (Dodgerblue) |
#1E90FF |
30 144 255
Light steel blue (Lightsteelblue) |
#B0C4DE |
176 196 222
Medium steel blue (Mediumsteelblue) |
# |
Steel blue (Steelblue) |
#4682B4 |
70 130 180
Dark steel blue (Darksteelblue) |
# |
Cornflower blue (Cornflowerblue) |
#6495ED |
100 149 237
Royal blue (Royalblue) |
#4169E1 |
65 105 225
Blue |
#0000FF |
0 0 255
Medium blue (Mediumblue) |
#0000CD |
0 0 205
Dark blue (Darkblue) |
#00008B |
0 0 139
Deep blue (Deepblue) |
#040273 |
4 2 115
Violet blue (Violetblue) |
#324AB2 |
0 0 139
Navy |
#000080 |
0 0 128
Midnight blue (Midnightblue) |
#191970 |
25 25 112
Light slate blue (Lightslateblue) |
#7B68EE |
115 106 255
Medium slate blue (Mediumslateblue) |
#7B68EE |
123 104 238
Slate blue (Slateblue) |
#6A5ACD |
106 90 205
Dark slate blue (Darkslateblue) |
#483D8B |
72 61 139
HTML name
Decimal code R G B
Brown colors
Cornsilk |
255 248 220
Blanched almond (Blanchedalmond) |
255 235 205
Bisque |
#FFE4C4 |
255 228 196
Navajo white (Navajowhite) |
255 222 173
Wheat |
F5 DE B3 |
245 222 179
Burlywood |
DE B8 87 |
222 184 135
Tan |
D2 B4 8C |
210 180 140
Rosy brown (Rosybrown) |
BC 8F 8F |
188 143 143
Sandy brown (Sandybrown) |
F4 A4 60 |
244 164 96
Peru |
CD 85 3F |
205 133 63
Chocolate |
D2 69 1E |
210 105 30
Saddle brown (Saddlebrown) |
8B 45 13 |
139 69 19
Sienna |
A0 52 2D |
160 82 45
Pale brown (Palebrown) |
# |
Light brown (Lightbrown) |
# |
Medium brown (Mediumbrown) |
Brown |
A5 2A 2A |
165 42 42
Dark brown (Darkbrown) |
5C 40 33 |
92 64 51
Deep brown (Deepbrown) |
White colors
White |
255 255 255
Dark white (Darkwhite) |
E1 D9 D1 |
255 255 255
Snow |
255 250 250
Honeydew |
F0 FF F0 |
240 255 240
Mint cream (Mintcream) |
F5 FF FA |
245 255 250
Azure |
F0 FF FF |
240 255 255
Alice blue (Aliceblue) |
F0 F8 FF |
240 248 255
Ghost white (Ghostwhite) |
F8 F8 FF |
248 248 255
White smoke (Whitesmoke) |
F5 F5 F5 |
245 245 245
Seashell |
FF F5 EE |
255 245 238
Beige |
F5 F5 DC |
245 245 220
Old lace (Oldlace) |
FD F5 E6 |
253 245 230
Floral white (Floralwhite) |
FF FA F0 |
255 250 240
Ivory |
FF FF F0 |
255 255 240
Antique white (Antiquewhite) |
FA EB D7 |
250 235 215
Linen |
FA F0 E6 |
250 240 230
Lavender blush (Lavenderblush) |
FF F0 F5 |
255 240 245
Misty rose (Mistyrose) |
FF E4 E1 |
255 228 225
Gray colors
Gainsboro |
220 220 220
Pale gray (Palegray) |
Light gray (Lightgray) |
D3 D3 D3 |
211 211 211
Silver |
C0 C0 C0 |
192 192 192
Dark gray (Darkgray) |
A9 A9 A9 |
169 169 169
Gray |
80 80 80 |
128 128 128
Dim gray (Dimgray) |
69 69 69 |
105 105 105
Steel gray (Steelgray) |
71 79 7E |
113 121 126
Light slate gray (Lightslategray) |
77 88 99 |
119 136 153
Slate gray (Slategray) |
70 80 90 |
112 128 144
Medium slate gray (Mediumslategray) |
Dark slate gray (Darkslategray) |
2F 4F 4F |
47 79 79
Black |
00 00 00 |
0 0 0
These are called "X11 web colors" since the invention of the World Wide Web in 1991.
X11 name
Decimal code R G B
Red colors
lightcoral |
#F08080 |
240 128 128
indianred |
#CD5C5C |
205 92 92
indianred1 |
#FF6A6A |
255 106 106
indianred2 |
#EE6363 |
238 99 99
indianred3 |
#CD5555 |
205 85 85
indianred4 |
#8B3A3A |
139 58 58
firebrick |
#B22222 |
178 34 34
brown |
#A52A2A |
165 42 42
red1 |
#FF0000 |
255 0 0
red4 |
#8B0000 |
139 0 0
salmon |
#FA8072 |
250 128 114
Pink & Rose colors
pink |
255 192 203
lightpink |
#FFB6C1 |
255 182 193
hotpink |
#FF69B4 |
255 105 180
deeppink1 |
#FF1493 |
255 20 147
palevioletred |
#DB7093 |
219 112 147
maroon |
#B03060 |
176 48 96
Orange colors
peachpuff1 |
255 218 185
darksalmon |
#E9967A |
233 150 122
lightsalmon1 |
#FFA07A |
255 160 122
coral |
#FF7F50 |
255 127 80
tomato1 |
#FF6347 |
255 99 71
orangered1 |
#FF4500 |
255 69 0
papayawhip |
255 239 213
moccasin |
#FFE4B5 |
255 228 181
darkorange |
#FF8C00 |
255 140 0
orange1 |
#FFA500 |
255 165 0
Yellow colors
lightgoldenrodyellow |
250 250 210
lightgoldenrod1 |
250 250 210
lightgoldenrod2 |
#EEDC82 |
238 220 130
lightgoldenrod3 |
#CDBE70 |
205 190 112
lightgoldenrod4 |
#8B814C |
139 129 76
palegoldenrod |
238 232 170
goldenrod |
#DAA520 |
218 165 32
goldenrod1 |
#FFC125 |
255 193 37
goldenrod2 |
#EEB422 |
238 180 34
goldenrod3 |
#CD9B1D |
205 155 29
goldenrod4 |
#8B6914 |
139 105 20
darkgoldenrod |
#B8860B |
184 134 11
darkgoldenrod1 |
#FFB90F |
255 184 15
darkgoldenrod2 |
238 173 14
darkgoldenrod3 |
#CD950C |
205 149 12
darkgoldenrod4 |
#8B6508 |
139 101 8
gold1 |
#FFD700 |
255 215 0
gold2 |
#EEC900 |
238 201 0
gold3 |
#CDAD00 |
205 173 0
gold4 |
#8B7500 |
139 177 0
lemonchiffon1 |
255 250 205
lemonchiffon2 |
238 233 191
lemonchiffon3 |
#CDC9A5 |
2O5 201 165
lemonchiffon4 |
#8B8970 |
139 137 112
lightyellow1 |
255 255 224
lightyellow2 |
238 238 209
lightyellow3 |
205 205 180
lightyellow4 |
#8B8B7A |
139 139 122
yellow1 |
#FFFF00 |
255 255 0
yellow2 |
#EEEE00 |
238 238 0
yellow3 |
#CDCD00 |
205 205 0
yellow4 |
#8B8B00 |
139 139 0
khaki |
#F0E68C |
240 230 140
khaki1 |
#FFF68F |
255 246 143
khaki2 |
#EEE685 |
238 230 133
khaki3 |
#CDC673 |
205 198 115
khaki4 |
#8B864E |
139 134 78
darkkhaki |
#BDB76B |
189 183 107
Violet, Purple & Magenta colors
lavender |
#E6E6FA |
230 230 250
mediumpurple |
#9370DB |
147 112 219
blueviolet |
#8A2BE2 |
138 43 226
darkviolet |
#9400D3 |
148 0 211
purple |
#A020F0 |
160 32 240
mediumorchid |
#BA55D3 |
186 85 211
darkorchid |
#9932CC |
153 50 204
thistle |
#D8BFD8 |
216 191 216
plum |
221 160 221
violet |
#EE82EE |
238 130 238
orchid |
#DA70D6 |
218 112 214
magenta |
#FF00FF |
255 0 255
maroon1 |
#FF34B3 |
255 52 179
maroon2 |
#EE30A7 |
238 48 167
maroon3 |
#CD2990 |
205 41 144
maroon4 |
#8B1C62 |
139 28 98
mediumvioletred |
#C71585 |
199 21 133
violetred |
#D02090 |
208 32 144
X11 name
Decimal code R G B
Green colors
yellowgreen |
#9ACD32 |
154 205 50
olivedrab |
#6B8E23 |
107 142 35
darkolivegreen |
#556B2F |
85 107 47
greenyellow |
173 255 47
chartreuse1 |
#7FFF00 |
127 255 0
lawngreen |
#7CFC00 |
124 252 0
green1 |
#00FF00 |
0 255 0
green4 |
#008B00 |
0 139 0
darkgreen |
#006400 |
0 100 0
palegreen |
#98FB98 |
152 251 152
limegreen |
#32CD32 |
50 205 50
forestgreen |
#228B22 |
34 139 34
mediumspringgreen |
#00FA9A |
0 250 154
springgreen1 |
#00FF7F |
0 255 127
mediumseagreen |
#3CB371 |
60 179 113
seagreen1 |
#54FF9F |
46 139 87
darkseagreen |
#8FBC8F |
143 188 143
Cyan colors
aquamarine |
#7FFFD4 |
127 255 212
mediumaquamarine |
#66CDAA |
102 205 170
turquoise |
#40E0D0 |
64 224 208
mediumturquoise |
#48D1CC |
72 209 204
darkturquoise |
#00CED1 |
0 206 209
paleturquoise |
175 238 238
lightseagreen |
#20B2AA |
32 178 170
lightcyan1 |
224 255 255
cyan1 |
#00FFFF |
0 255 255
cyan2 |
#00EEEE |
0 238 238
cyan3 |
#00CDCD |
0 205 205
cyan4 |
#008B8B |
0 139 139
powderblue |
#B0E0E6 |
176 224 230
cadetblue |
#5F9EA0 |
95 158 160
Azure & Blue colors
lightblue |
#ADD8E6 |
173 216 230
skyblue |
#87CEEB |
135 206 235
lightskyblue |
#87CEFA |
135 206 250
deepskyblue1 |
#00BFFF |
0 191 255
dodgerblue1 |
#1E90FF |
30 144 255
lightsteelblue |
#B0C4DE |
176 196 222
steelblue |
#4682B4 |
70 130 180
cornflowerblue |
#6495ED |
100 149 237
royalblue |
#4169E1 |
65 105 225
blue1 |
#0000FF |
0 0 255
blue2 |
#0000EE |
0 0 238
mediumblue |
#0000CD |
0 0 205
blue4 |
#00008B |
0 0 139
navyblue |
#000080 |
0 0 128
midnightblue |
#191970 |
25 25 112
mediumslateblue |
#7B68EE |
123 104 238
slateblue |
#6A5ACD |
106 90 205
darkslateblue |
#483D8B |
72 61 139
X11 name
Decimal code R G B
Brown colors
cornsilk1 |
FF F8 DC |
255 248 220
blanchedalmond |
255 235 205
bisque1 |
FF E4 C4 |
255 228 196
navajowhite1 |
255 222 173
wheat |
F5 DE B3 |
245 222 179
burlywood |
DE B8 87 |
222 184 135
tan |
D2 B4 8C |
210 180 140
rosybrown |
BC 8F 8F |
188 143 143
sandybrown |
F4 A4 60 |
244 164 96
peru |
CD 85 3F |
205 133 63
chocolate |
D2 69 1E |
210 105 30
saddle brown |
8B 45 13 |
139 69 19
sienna |
A0 52 2D |
160 82 45
White colors
white |
255 255 255
snow1 |
255 250 250
honeydew1 |
F0 FF F0 |
240 255 240
mintcream |
F5 FF FA |
245 255 250
azure1 |
F0 FF FF |
240 255 255
aliceblue |
F0 F8 FF |
240 248 255
ghostwhite |
F8 F8 FF |
248 248 255
whitesmoke |
F5 F5 F5 |
245 245 245
seashell1 |
FF F5 EE |
255 245 238
beige |
F5 F5 DC |
245 245 220
oldlace |
FD F5 E6 |
253 245 230
floralwhite |
FF FA F0 |
255 250 240
ivory1 |
FF FF F0 |
255 255 240
antiquewhite |
FA EB D7 |
250 235 215
linen |
FA F0 E6 |
250 240 230
lavenderblush1 |
FF F0 F5 |
255 240 245
mistyrose1 |
FF E4 E1 |
255 228 225
Gray colors
gainsboro |
220 220 220
lightgray |
D3 D3 D3 |
211 211 211
silver |
C0 C0 C0 |
192 192 192
darkgray |
A9 A9 A9 |
169 169 169
gray |
80 80 80 |
128 128 128
dimgray |
69 69 69 |
105 105 105
lightslategray |
77 88 99 |
119 136 153
slategray |
70 80 90 |
112 128 144
darkslategray |
2F 4F 4F |
47 79 79
black |
#000000 |
0 0 0
Chart of selected web colors
This chart shows selected HTML and X11 colors as well as selected unofficial consensus web colors developed by web designers since 2002. When entering code using the unofficial colors, the hex code of the color must be specified instead of writing the name of the color.