Major movie studios

film production and distribution company with high output

Big Five are the United States's major movie production studios which also distribute their product. All of them have historic flagship production facilities near Hollywood. All Big Five major studios (Walt Disney Pictures, Warner Bros. Pictures, Paramount Pictures, Universal Pictures and Columbia Pictures) are parts of much larger business enterprises, with their corporate headquarters offices far from Hollywood. The group of major studios long numbered seven, but was reduced to six with the fading from importance of MGM in the 1980s. They became five when, on November 6, 2017 - Disney announced its deal to buy Fox for $52.4 billion.

The logos of the "Big Five" film studios, arranged in order by the year each studio was founded
Big Four studios in the San Fernando Valley, in Burbank, California (Universal Pictures, and Walt Disney Studios)
Big Four studios in Hollywood (Paramount Pictures) and on the Westside (Sony Pictures)

Sister studios


Little 4


International studios
