
series of boat races

A regatta is a term used to describe either a boat race, or series of boat races.

English Wiktionary
English Wiktionary
The English Wiktionary has a dictionary definition (meanings of a word) for: regatta

Although the term typically describes racing events of unpowered watercraft, some powerboat race series are also called regattas. Most commonly, a regatta is either a series of rowing, sailing or yacht racing.

Although regattas are typically amateur competitions, they are usually very highly organized, formally structured events, with complex rules precisely describing the schedule and procedures of the event.

Rowing regattas


Sailing regattas


College Sailing Regattas


High school sailing regattas

  • Mallory Cup, United States high school sailing national championships.
  • The National School Sailing Assosiation Regatta, UK. Annual Sailing reggatta held in various sailing clubs and competed in by many secondary school students.

Other regattas


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