The Two Squirrels
The Two Squirrels is a 2013 motion-captured animated movie. It is directed by Peter Berg, written by Travis Beachman. It stars the voices of Jon Allen his reprising role of first film and the Jackson Nicoll, Vanessa Bayer, David Colacci, Hugh Jackman and Bradley Cooper joining the cast. It the sequel to the 2011 film of The Red Squirrel. The second The Red Squirrel animated film and the animated motion-captured in the moved at Sony Pictures Imageworks.
The Two Squirrels | |
Directed by | Peter Berg |
Written by | Travis Beachman |
Produced by | Robert Zemeckis Walter F. Parkes Laurie MacDonald |
Starring | Jon Allen Jackson Nicoll Vanessa Bayer David Colacci Hugh Jackman Bradley Cooper |
Edited by | Joe Walker |
Music by | Henry Jackman |
Production companies | |
Distributed by | Universal Pictures |
Release dates |
Running time | 91 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $119 million |
Box office | $371.5 million |
Many have considered this to be one of the worst animated movies of the all time. the third and final animated film to The Squirend, released in 2016.