The FAMAS (Fusil d'Assaut de la Manufacture d'Armes de Saint-Étienne, in English "Assault Rifle from the Saint-Étienne Weapon Factory")[1] is a bullpup-styled assault rifle designed and manufactured in France.[2] It's the main assault rifle of the French Army, French Air Force, and French Navy since 1980. It was also sold for export.

Designed in 1973 FAMAS uses a 5.56mm NATO (.223) caliber cartridge. Muzzle velocity is between 925m/s and 960m/s following variants.
change- FAMAS F1, built between 1979 and 1992 for French militaries.
- FAMAS Commando, variant of F1 specially designed for special forces, shorter than original.
- FAMAS Export, variant of F1 specially designed for foreign customers.
- FAMAS G1, alternatively transition built in 1995 to prepare for the arrival of French troops in the G2.
- FAMAS G2, new generation more light, and using special weapons.
Gouvernemental users
changeMilitaries and polices of that countries uses FAMAS.