C H E E S Y B R A I N S Cheesybrains Profile

Real Name: V.J. Mallorca Nickname: Vince

Profession: Online Game Designer, Amateur Web Designer, Painter, Manga Illustrator, Animator, Writer, Comic Illustrator, Programmer

Website/s owned: Treejeyz Community

Recent Status: Online

Integrating Technology

Technology Integration on the future... however there are things that we should count first!

Technologies are built to provide comfort and ease to humane works and obligations, but since human is unable to control his conscious mind in creating new ideas to engage himself in a more advanced and overwhelming technology innovations that can replace human workforce which is prone to errors and mistakes, however many technologies have harmed humans the most, nearly five hundred years ago accident and death rate is not as high as today's global situations where hourly death rates concerning traffic and work area accidents have steadfastly increased, that is why some philosophers and cons have tagged technology as a form of extent dehumanization.

Advanced technologies like (AI) Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Warfare Gadgetry are just three of the most unethical and undesirable creations that inventors have discovered, AI and Robotics connects each other, Robotics is the physical technology of a certain creature or even humanoid robots (human form robots), and AI is the software technology that gives robots to act and think on what is being programmed on them, with these two being combined, truly workforce for dangerous jobs will be more easy, but how about those household chores and other simple jobs at the office anywhere? Does it need robots to work on it? I think not! That’s what you call slothfulness and being ignorant, but it maybe yes and no, yes in the sense that robots can execute precise and quality work output, and no because it increases unemployment and poverty rate of the global community, but then maybe their are factories of these robots that employs human workforce, but I think work on these areas are just for expert professionals in robotics technology, and how those who are uneducated? Where will they get their work? It is very big truth behind our eyes because unemployment rate in each country and to the whole global community is very alarming, what happens if this world will be full of robots and humans have nowhere to live? Would you allow that we will be slaves of our own inventions? Wonder why I mentioned “warfare gadgetry”? It is because aside from corporate and personal use of robots, they are also used as a weapon of destruction to kill other humans (terrorist maybe), and sometimes, as human and technical error is inevitable, it can sometimes kill innocent people within the battleground and in someway, degrades the humane value and justice rate in most of the war raged communities. These sceneries are just samples of dehumanization that most of us cannot even notice, it is why some peoples that enjoy these technologies are hooked to it and the sense that they don’t even think of the future situations of these young generations, if they will continue this mentality, the future generations will be nowhere to be seen in this planet. But it is not yet too late for us to make a move, we still have the chance to correct this and reintegrate technologies to the fields where it is greatly needed, it is not yet too late to increase our humane value and to lessen unemployment rate in this global community, it is not yet too late for us to make a step, so let’s make a move and change it.

Man as a Human and His Life

There's a lot of unraveled truths behind a man's simple life..

“Each man deserves to have what it sees with his own blind eyes.”

In every step of time man lives and dies with due nature and purpose, even the world in front of him is more bare than his own body and soul because he lives in the criteria given and assigned to him as soon as he was born, but nonetheless man as human can be compared to as abstract form of humanized body and soul, it is a composition of hapless pieces of spirits summoned to do the will of it’s creator, due to it’s nature, man as a human is prone to error, discontentment and jealousy, that is why man is then tested and challenged to sought it’s real purpose and it’s own destiny, man is blind in things around him that is bound as a spiritual track of trial, from there man could bump in it and does his fate changes, as his fate changes, his life rolls unto new paths and courses, those courses will take him into a new world and a new purpose, that is why man is bound to change and no one knows what and where his ends is.

Life is like a finished written book, good intro, meaningful pages follows, the climax and the end; it’s very simple to read, but difficult to apply as a sample of a simple life. Human is despised with all the things he clearly needs when he was born, that is why man needs another man and woman to serve as his guardians, they took care of him until he grows up and when the right time comes that he is already capable of taking care of his self, he is freed into the jungle of his own path, from there he would take each strip of every episode of his life, he evolves and grows a random mind of curiousness and a thinking pattern in which he was programmed to, his marsupial twin is his conscience, his twin reminds of him everything that he would do right or even wrong, his twin makes his life balance and clearly enough passable to follow his own book of life, his twin can oversee things that he would be clearly cannot see, but man is always entitled to everything that his twins sees, he was born to have that sense, but he was given his own mind to decide whether to take that part of his life in a wrong or right way, if takes it wrong then a rule of consequences follows, but if he takes it right then another page of the book will open for him and another new character is given to him reenact it.

Although man was destined into two paths; the right and the wrong way, man is still given the chance to choose if he wants a light for him to hold on so that he could see if takes the right or the wrong way, his light might be his parents, his husband or wife, the church, his sons or daughters or even his friends, but there is a very big criteria rolling among the one’s he chooses to, if he will not be given the chance to marry, then maybe he chooses his parents or he chooses depend on his or her individuality, but if he was given the chance to marry then maybe he chooses to his destined wife or husband as his or her light, then if he was given the path to leave his parents and take to live in other people or his friends, then maybe he chooses his friends or his peers as his light, but then if became a nun or a priest, then he chooses God as his light, from where God only reminds us of our own obligations in our book of life and our chosen torch of light to guide us wherever we may go.

--Cheesybrains (talk) 09:55, 24 November 2010 (UTC)