Departments of Haiti

first-level administrative territorial entity of the Republic of Haiti

Haiti is divided into 10 departments (French, départements). When Haiti was the French colony of Saint-Domingue, there were three provinces: North, South and West. Under Toussaint L'Ouverture, the provinces were converted into departments.

Departments of Haiti

The departments are further divided into 41 arrondissements, and 133 communes.

# Department Capital Area (km²) Population (2003)
1 Artibonite Gonaïves 4,895 1,070,397
2 Centre Hinche 3,597 565,043
3 Grand'Anse Jérémie 3,100 337,516
4 Nippes Miragoâne 1,219 266,379
5 Nord Cap-Haïtien 2,175 564,002
6 Nord-Est Fort-Liberté 1,698 300,493
7 Nord-Ouest Port-de-Paix 2,094 445,080
8 Ouest Port-au-Prince 4,595 3,093,698
9 Sud-Est Jacmel 2,077 449,585
10 Sud Les Cayes 2,602 627,311

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